Well Rant
Our water well, that is. Let's go back to the beginning...About two months ago, we had a serious problem with our well. In fact, we had a pond around the well head. There was a small, but very important part that needed replaced. This guy came out to take a look at it and was supposed to come back in the next day or two to fix it. Well, it took him a week to get back, but he did fix it. While he was here, my DH explained to him some of the other problems we were having with our water, and they decided to re-drill and case the well. No, I am not entirely sure what that all means. All I know is that I was assured this would help a lot with the lime and iron content of our water. It was all supposed to be done by September 25. Instead, I have this!

The well drilling guy moved his rig into our driveway last Friday night. He said he would be back on Saturday to move it into the back where the well is, and then start drilling on Monday. IT IS THURSDAY NIGHT AND THE RIG HASN'T MOVED YET. MY WATER IS STILL CRAP.
We have called and called and called. He always has some excuse and my DH never pushes him, just says OK and doesn't worry about it. In the meantime, our water has gotten worse. We have to buy drinking water, and I can't dye fabric because I am afraid of what the water will do to it. I feel like we are captive to this situation because even if we call someone else, I still have this rig SITTING IN MY DRIVEWAY.
Ideas anyone?

The well drilling guy moved his rig into our driveway last Friday night. He said he would be back on Saturday to move it into the back where the well is, and then start drilling on Monday. IT IS THURSDAY NIGHT AND THE RIG HASN'T MOVED YET. MY WATER IS STILL CRAP.
We have called and called and called. He always has some excuse and my DH never pushes him, just says OK and doesn't worry about it. In the meantime, our water has gotten worse. We have to buy drinking water, and I can't dye fabric because I am afraid of what the water will do to it. I feel like we are captive to this situation because even if we call someone else, I still have this rig SITTING IN MY DRIVEWAY.
Ideas anyone?
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